Curada por Alejandra Varela de Ediciones Ekaré
Octubre – Noviembre, 2024

Una exposición única que destaca 24 ilustraciones de libros infantiles de 8 de las editoriales participantes en el festival de este año, cuyo tema es el arte, curada por Alejandra Varela de Ediciones Ekaré, organizada y producida por Imago x las artes que estará realizándose en el marco del festival ENTRELIBROS 2024. No te la puedes perder.

Libros presentes en la exposición

● 100 conceptos sobre arte Susie Hodge · Marcos Farina [Coco Books]

● Amarillo Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Azul Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Blanco Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Casa museo Álvaro Núñez [Diego Pun]

● El Bosco. La extraña historia de Hieronymus, el gorro, la mochila y la pelota Thé Tjong-Khing [Ekaré]

● El manual de dibujo definitivo Enric Lax [Ekaré]

● Gaudí, un verano inolvidable Carla Tabora · Rosana Faría [Juventud]

● Imagina y crea. Un libro para disfrutar Perrine Honoré [Coco Books]

● Las dos Fridas Gianluca Folì [Libros del Zorro Rojo]

● Los colores de Tó Antonio Martorell Cardona [Editorial Destellos]

● Matías dibuja el sol Rocío Martínez [Ekaré]

● Matías pierde su lápiz Rocío Martínez [Ekaré]

● Matías retrata a Penélope Rocío Martínez [Ekaré]

● Matías y el color del cielo Rocío Martínez [Ekaré]

● Matías, pintor famoso Rocío Martínez [Ekaré]

● Mi museo Joanne Liu [Leetra]

● Naranja Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Palabras pintadas Emmanuel Lecaye · Marc Majewski [Libros del Zorro Rojo]

● Poetas Fernando Vázquez [A buen paso]

● Rojo Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Veo veo. El arte de Socorro Salinas María Francisca Mayobre · Obra de Socorro Salinas [Ekaré]

● Verde Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

● Violeta Marta Ardite · Mariona Cabassa [Juventud]

Arte entre páginas Art Between Pages

A picture book is the first art gallery a child visits.
Květa Pacovská

This statement by the legendary Czech artist underscores the importance of art in the lives of young people. Art, whether expressed in pictures or words, is a way of sharing one’s own vision of the world with others.

Art Between Pages is an exhibition that invites us to reflect on how visual art shapes, traverses, informs, and inspires picture books. These books can be considered works of art themselves—not only because of the literature and the illustrations they contain but due to the sophisticated mechanism created by combining both in a single object.

In picture books, illustrations are not merely visual complements to the text; rather, they establish a dialogue with the words. The images take on a life of their own, articulating and telling stories through visual language. This fusion of word and image transports readers to imaginary worlds, awakening authentic and profound emotions.

The process of creating a picture book is a journey. Behind every good book lies creative and meticulous work at every stage. Illustrators are artists who, in addition to their technical skill in creating images, possess a deep narrative sense. Paper, format, typography, and all the particular material characteristics of the picture book also function as semantic components, contributing to a narrative perceived through the senses.

In Art Between Pages, several specific ways in which art, as a concept, is manifested in illustrated books are highlighted, from stories with art-related themes to works inspired by artists and their creations.

This selection of 24 titles is just a small sample of the artistic richness that resides between the pages of children’s picture books. They are grouped with the intention of inviting us to discover the art on each page, engage in discussions about artistic themes, and experience art in new and exciting ways.

Books can address a vast number of themes and have different literary genres, such as adventure, mystery, fantasy… In this exhibition we will focus especially on books that are inspired by art.

We will take, as an example, the books of the Matías series, written and illustrated by Rocío Martínez, to learn about the process of making a picture book.

The first book of the Matías series came out in 2000 and is still in print today.

Alejandra Varela